Don’t Worry, Still Travel, Enjoy Life – Info on St John USVI Delta COVID Guidelines

Covid Restrictions and Travel Guidelines for U.S Virgin Islands and St. John

The U.S. Virgin Islands are a popular vacation destination for many people. The islands have beautiful beaches, lush green mountains and rich culture. In 2021, families and couples returned to the islands, the summer was almost as if it was 2019. Most, if not all of them left healthy, happy and re-energized with vibrant life. However, Covid-19 is not to be taken lightly and the islands also have guidelines that you need to be aware of before traveling to the tropical wonderland. Here is the latest when it comes to travel restrictions, or local guidelines in St. John, during the Delta Variant period of the Covid-19 era.

Do You Need to be Vaccinated to Fly to the U.S. Virgin Islands?

Vaccinations are not mandatory to travel or to visit restaurants, bars and stores at this time in the USVI. However, all travelers five and up must have a negative covid test, and the test submitted to the USVI Travel Portal (link is below) within five days of travel to St. John, St. Croix and St. Thomas. 

Also, health officials recommend travelers wait at least two weeks after they get their last course of Covid shots before going on international trips, as that is when you are considered fully vaccinated.

Do You Need to Quarantine When You Arrive in the Virgin Islands?

There is no mandatory quarantine period for individuals arriving In the USVI if they completed the Travel Portal information during the required five-day window. If you didn’t complete these requirements, you could “theoretically” be quarantined upon arrival. 

However, if you didn’t get your Travel Portal documentation completed, things will likely not get that far. You will simply not be allowed to board the aircraft or ocean-going vessel that’s headed to the USVI until you get your travel clearance. 

What Will I Need to Show as Proof of COVID-19 Status?

Upon arrival in the U.S. Virgin Islands, travelers aged five or older will be required to produce their original COVID-19 status documentation and travel clearance received from the Travel Screening Portal. It is always recommended that travelers carry a hard copy of the Travel Portal clearance to provide upon deplaning or getting off a marine vessel. 

Are there Delta Covid Restrictions in St. John? 

The U.S.V.I Department of Health confirmed that the Delta Variant is now the predominant strain of COVID-19 in St. John, St. Croix and St. Thomas. However, there is less of a risk of getting exposed to it during outdoor activities. This spells good news for activities in St. John, such as hiking, snorkeling and soaking up some sun on the beach. 

Meanwhile, when visiting indoor locations, such as museums, historic buildings, shops, restaurants and bars, the risk of covid transmission goes up somewhat. Masks are still required throughout the Virgin Islands, and some places still observe social distancing rules. Lastly, contact businesses (especially restaurants), as some require reservation to comply with local health ordinances related to their business. It would be wise to routinely make sure your destination is going to be as expected before embarking on your day of paradise.

The entire U.S Virgin Islands has accounted for over 6,000 cases of the 100,000,000’s millions of cases worldwide, since Covid began. The mortality rate of those that contracted Covid is approximately 1% in the U.S.V.I. Contrasting against other islands in our region, such as Puerto Rico which has had over 200,000 cases and 5x the deaths, U.S.V.I has remained remarkably heathy, and St. John is no different. Also, consider the local reality that 50% of U.S.V.I has had at least one dose of the vaccine, which is currently 8x greater than the number of people contracting Covid. Google displays ongoing Covid data, if you click this link you can observe trending over the last 14 days of cases in USVI. This will help you determine closer to your departure date what the Covid reality is when you arrive.

Where is a Covid Rapid Test in St John?

A pop-up site is available on St. John for Covid rapid testing, and the results are typically sent within 24 hours. For more information about scheduling a rapid Covid test in St. John, St. Croix or St. Thomas, click the link to connect to the COVID-19 Scheduling Gateway.

USVI Healthcare Providers for COVID-19 Testing (Antigen, Antibody, Rapid Same Day)
                                        A list of labs in the Territory that offer COVID-19 testing. In St John the testing provider is Myrah Keeting Community Health Center. Call for more information at 340-693-8900

    Currently there is one same day (rapid) testing location in St John:

Myrah Keating Community Health Center, click to call right now 340-693-8900 to check wait times and availability.

On Wednesdays, there is a pop-up vaccination clinic at the Port Authority Gravel Yard from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m.

Is it Safe to Stay in St. John Villas, B&Bs, Resorts, Hotels, or Vacation Rentals? 

The hospitality industry is monitoring the constantly changing situation of the Delta Variant and other forms of Covid. To be on the safe side, look on their website for statements about how they are taking preventive measures based on the CDC and local health agencies’ recommendations. 

“For us in the USVI, people in the hospitality industry seem to be vaccinated at a higher rate than the rest of the community, which of course helps our tourism (production) because people don’t go on vacation to get sick,” said Joseph Boschulte, the U.S. Virgin Islands tourism commissioner.

During your stay in St. John, you can do more to fight the virus’s spread by following these basic precautions:

  • Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 40 seconds. You can also rub your hands with an alcohol-based hand sanitizer for at least 20 sec. 
  • Wash all parts of your hands frequently, including the backs of your hands, especially after exchanging things such as credit cards and money. 
  • When you are out and about, be on the lookout for hand sanitizer stations and use them before going into bars, restaurants or dining halls. 
  • Cover any coughs or sneezes with a tissue or bent elbow. Dispose of the tissue in a closed trash bin. Masks and tissue are considered biohazardous, so don’t discard them on the ground or away from closed trash bins.
  • Maintain at least a 1 meter (3+ feet) distance from hospitality staff and other guests. This includes avoiding kissing, hugging or shaking hands. 
  • If you can’t guarantee the 1-meter distance, wear a proper mask. Also, be sure to familiarize yourself with the local and national guidelines for properly using masks.  

Helpful Websites for Planning Travel to U.S.V.I

Given the ever changing nature of the Covid reality it never hurts to check a couple of U.S.V.I focused websites before you book any travel. The following U.S. Virgin Islands official websites will be helpful for planning:

U.S Virgin Island Travel Recommendations for Fully Vaccinated Travelers

The following is the advisory notice for U.S.V.I provided by the CDC regarding concerns of the Delta Variant.

A graphic which represents the information documented below for vaccinated travelers vs non vaccinated travelers. This chart says for vaccinated travelers they need to do two things: #1 Self Monitor for Symptoms #2 Wear a mask and take other precautions during travel.


If you are fully vaccinated with an FDA-authorized vaccine or a vaccine authorized by emergency use by the World Health Organization:

  • During Travel
    • Wearing a mask over your nose and mouth is required on planes, buses, trains, and other forms of public transportation traveling into, within, or out of the United States and while indoors at U.S. transportation hubs such as airports and stations. Travelers are not required to wear a mask in outdoor areas of a conveyance.
    • Travelers should follow recommendations or requirements in the U.S. Virgin Islands, including mask wearing and social distancing.
  • After Travel
    • Self-monitor for COVID-19 symptoms; isolate and get tested if you develop symptoms.
    • Follow all state and local recommendations or requirements.

You do NOT need to get tested or self-quarantine if you are fully vaccinated or have recovered from COVID-19 in the past 3 months. You should still follow all other travel recommendation.

U.S. Virgin Island Travel Recommendations for Unvaccinated Travelers

A graphic which represents the information documented below for vaccinated travelers vs non vaccinated travelers. If you are non vaccinated, you should take the standard precautions of self monitoring for symptoms and wear a mask (over your nose) with precautions during travel. The two other things you are required, #1 Get Test 1-3 days before travel #2 Get Tested 3-5 days after travel or choose to self quarantine for 10 days if you prefer not to test.

If you are not fully vaccinated and must travel, take the following steps to protect yourself and others from COVID-19:

  • Before travel:
    • Get tested with a viral test 1-3 days before your trip.
  • While you are traveling:
    • Wearing a mask over your nose and mouth is required on planes, buses, trains, and other forms of public transportation traveling into, within, or out of the United States and while indoors at U.S. transportation hubs such as airports and stations. Travelers are not required to wear a mask in outdoor areas of a conveyance. CDC recommends that travelers who are not fully vaccinated continue to wear a mask and maintain physical distance when traveling.
    • Avoid crowds and stay at least 6 feet/2 meters (about 2 arm lengths) from anyone who did not travel with you. It’s important to do this everywhere—both indoors and outdoors.
    • Wash your hands often or use hand sanitizer (with at least 60% alcohol).
  • After you travel:
    • Get tested with a viral test 3-5 days after travel AND stay home and self-quarantine for a full 7 days after travel.
      • Even if you test negative, stay home and self-quarantine for the full 7 days.
      • If your test is positive, isolate yourself to protect others from getting infected.
    • If you don’t get tested, stay home and self-quarantine for 10 days after travel.
    • Avoid being around people who are at increased risk for severe illness for 14 days, whether you get tested or not.
    • Self-monitor for COVID-19 symptoms; isolate and get tested if you develop symptoms.
    • Follow all state and local recommendations or requirements.
    • Visit your state, territorialtribal, or local health department’s website to look for the latest information on where to get tested.

Do NOT travel if were exposed to COVID-19you are sickyou test positive for COVID-19, or you are waiting for results of a COVID-19 test. Learn when it is safe for you to travel. Don’t travel with someone who is sick.

Book Your Stay at the Hills, Stay Safe, and Enjoy U.S.V.I

The Hills is a 22-villa in lovely Cruz Bay, St. John, and we offer luxurious amenities and a haven among St. John’s most beautiful terrain. With our pristine beaches, sapphire blue waters and legendary shopping opportunities, you’ll find The Hills delivers the best guest experience of the Caribbean!

For your ease of mind and convenience, we now offer a COVID-19 Exceptions and Cancellation Policy that you can read upon request. Of course, your safety and comfort are foremost on our minds, too, and our villas, clubhouse, and other shared recreational spaces get thorough cleanings daily. For more information about our internal safety measures for staff and visitors, please contact our team for more information

If you have more questions, you can get in touch with our helpful staff at 800-727-6610. Alternatively, you can reach out to us through our online form, and we’ll quickly contact you back.

For Covid-19 observance reasons, we have a running count of Covid statistics by country below:

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